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The 1900s saw conflict and home and abroad in Ireland. World War 1 broke out in 1914 and many Mourne men decided to oppose German aggression. They joined divisions like the 10th and 16th Irish Divisions and the 36th Ulster Division. Two local men actually hold the highest award for bravery in the British Military: the Victoria Cross. The First World War came to the shores of Kilkeel in 1918 when a German U-Boat surfaced and sunk five fishing boats. Exciting developments became apparent when plans to build the Silent Valley Resevoir surfaced in 1910. A devestating martime tragedy hit Mourne in 1916 when the Connemara and Retriever collided in Carlingford Lough resulting in the loss of 94 lives. Bodies were washed up on local beaches and Nicholsons shed at Derryogue was turned into a temporary morgue. Despite these sad times the fishing industry in Kilkeel continued to grow and methods improved with the introduction of motorised skiff fishing. The 4th Earl of Kilmorey brought the first motorised skiff to Kilkeel Harbour.